Seed to Bloom to Vase Course 2025

  • Would you like to experience the pleasure of growing flowers but don’t know where to start?

    Perhaps you’re looking for a gift for a friend or partner who’s new to gardening, or has more time to dedicate or has had a chance to expand their plot or garden?

    Are you a hands on learner not a digital learner?

    Six monthly face to face and hands on sessions from early March to early August is a fabulous way to learn more and gain confidence and start you on your growing journey.

    Each group takes a maximum of five people and is held on Sundays or Tuesday mornings at Cotswold Country Flowers.

The Important Bit

All growing workshops are suitable for absolute beginners and take place both inside for some theory work and outside in the potting sheds or garden for hands on practical bit.

Workshop places are limited to small groups (currently 5). The price includes refreshments, and materials such as pots and seeds for each practical session.   (If you’re travelling from further afield and looking for Cotswolds accommodation, talk to me about my Airbnb)

“The very best thing I did this year was join Fiona's 'Seed to Vase' course. Coming from Southampton one of Fiona's first words to me was 'I hope this is worth the trip' and I can honestly say the journey is just the start of a perfect day. Travelling through Cotswold villages to Fiona's beautiful little farm has proved part of the joy, arriving to my favourite brownies and a cuppa sets the scene for the next 3 hours of hands on, hands in soil experience, as Fiona shares her experience as well as her passion , enthusiasm and love of all things flowers . . Have loved, loved loved it. Couldn't recommend this course enough.”